Thank you to all who have been so supportive and encouraging throughout my Masters' journey... I am so proud to say... I have GRADUATED!!! Yea, it is an achievement indeed, cos' like I said in the beginning: I am really not a studying-person.

Things have really changed in my life... in work, I am just SO blessed by God, that it is unbelievable... In the bible, Malachi 3:10 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." - this verse I can totally identify with... Many times I ask the Lord what have I done to deserve all these blessings... and I always come to the same answer: that it is never (once) about what I have done or not done, but simply cos of His Grace; and these blessings He has given me, are to help to extend His Kingdom... so, what He gives me, is kinda like a forward thing, as in, His blessings are like tools for me to keep moving on and forward, and for me to use to bless and extend HIs Kingdom. That is how I see all the tangible blessings He has bestowed me - they are not so much rewards for my past achievements or what I have done (right), but more for the future...
Of course the other change is having Gerald in my life... Think being in a relationship is very much about acceptance and accomodation... It is about 2 people, having different upbringing, background, experiences, etc., trying to live as one (quote from Gerald)... and it sometimes feels kinda weird that I am not my own (if u know what I mean).. it's GREAT joy, but it's also not without challenges... Singlehood is GREAT - carefree and independent... For me, I felt that it is about learning to give up my personal rights to learn to love another as myself as Jesus commands us to do. In a relationship, this commandment acts out even more overtly, as he becomes like one of the closest person, and expectations are heightened and my personal rights flare out more obviously... But I must admit that knowing that God has brought both of us together, gives a lot of strength and courage to move on together... and it is wonderful when both of us worship the same God, and when we can serve together, support and encourage each other to walk close to God, as we walk closer to each other.
Nice photo ya? THE PERSON!!! (I think I look SO beautiful in this pic, haha!) Not the flowers.... Hehehe...
Well, that was a bunch of flowers he got delivered to my office one day when I was a little down... so, nice - emma, gerald and flowers. =)
Thanks for sharing my joys with me... I'll keep u posted again...
Thank God it's end of Thursday!!!