Serving as the stage manager, it was stressful since Friday night when we had our rehearsals. As of Friday night, most things did not happen as planned. Everything was late; the sound was horrendous, lights were not even designed. I had no idea how the whole thing will turn out on Sat...
When Sat came, we were still running through transitions, and etc...
3pm, Sat, 16 Sep 06, was one of the most tensed moment in my life... It was the time when everyone in the production was waiting for my cue to roll the show... Finally, it rolled... and it rolled smoothly! Man, seeing the whole programme enravel before me was like opening a present slowly to find each wrapper seamless... Ok, except the wrong cue we gave to the stage ministers during Ps Ben's sermon.. I was utterly embarrased tho' I wasn't on stage.
I kept asking myself during the show: What am I, for God to use me in such ways...? Would I exchange this privilege to serve in His ministry for anything else...? Well, for that question, I didn't answer immediately cos' I didn't want to be frivilous and emotional about such answers... that will be another episode..
But it was a memorable event indeed. For all the events I have done, all the services, parties, etc etc, yesterday was one that was the biggest scale - 3000 people, Singapore Expo, 100-people choir, full band plus strings, dancers, multimedia, the whole works man..
Thank you all, who were involved in our celebration! It is wonderful to serve with you guys!

Oh Lord, I can't tell you enough, how grateful I am that You allowed me this honour to serve You and Your church. All glory goes to You, for it is You who created me...
Today's Sunday... feels weirdly nice to be home, sleeping till' 1030am... Tomorrow starts another week. Will be off to Taipei on Tue... Man, the thought of next 2 weeks tires me... Only You can sustain me and give me strength to carry on...
Draw me even closer to You, as I get even busier and more tired...