I must say that for the past 2 weeks, He has been with me, sustaining me, keeping my eyes from closing during class, encouraging and cheering me on everyday. Thank You Abba Father. And every day that I go for class, I relish in the fact that He placed me there... He has a great plan for me, and I am humbled by that fact. Exams was on Thur, Fri and Sat. Even after just the 1st paper - Capital markets, I felt a great sense of relief. FSA (Financial Statement Analysis) was a killer as expected, and the scene in the classroom was tickling... Everyone was buried under a huge load of papers and frantically flipping pages and notes to find some clues to the answers (all our exams were open-book). On Sat, we had a celebration after our Quantitative paper at the Graduates Lounge with wine and Relief as the Guest of Honour. After that, our group - A+ Limited and some other classmates went for dinner at Jumbo at Clarke Quay.

My classmates are fun, especially the one who asks the funniest questions and crack the whole class up with them. Yup, to the "earth- preciation" guy, here's One for you!

And the other 2 who always mispronounce my lovely name, and using the excuse of "closeness" to get away with it. here's One for you too!

The 2 weeks were super intensive and we were all shocked by it, but I must say that the camaradarie was enjoyable. Like I was telling them, for the past 2 weeks, no one else, other than one another, can truly understand what we went through, so I guess that makes it a shared experience, and shared experiences make friends. So my friends, we have 5 more modules (including Switzerland) to go, so let's be best of friends man!
It is my privilege to be in a class of really credible and smart people. More so, I enjoy the diversity of nationalities and cultures in the class, not mentioning the variety of professional backgrounds and experiences. So, despite the torture of intensive studying, I enjoyed the people most.
It's back to work tomorrow. What a chore... but I look forward to Friday when we meet again... without the books and exams! HOORAY!!!
hooray! it's over! seems like you're enjoying it on the whole!
Hey WZ, thanks for sharing my joy with me! Yup, but it ain't over till the fat lady sings! ;p
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