(WARNING: This content may cause a hair-raising experience, so read it at your own risk.)
Tonight was simply memorable... I have never been so touched (in my life) before... And if this surprises you, trust me - it totally bowled me over.
Gerald & I went to watch a jazz concert by Jeremy Montiero @ the Esplanade. After that, we decided to have dinner at Prego's - one of my favourite restaurants...

We sat down, ordered our food and chatted... then out of the blue, he said something about the piano in the middle of the restaurant, stood up and walked away.... I was quite puzzle and surprised... the next thing I knew, he opened up the grand piano and started playing on it....and man, I was totally shocked and my jaw dropped (literally). He played a love song and it was awesome... I can't even use words to describe how I felt; i could feel love from every note he played...
One of the servers came over and asked me what the occassion was, and the answer was simply, "there is no occassion". And even he said he played beautifully...
He finished the song (while I was totally dazed) and some patrons clapped... and he returned, shy. And all I could do was to stare at him, (jaw still dropped) and was still in the state of disbelief... it is so out of his (shy and reserved) character to do something so bold; even I won't have the guts to do it ok! And he simply said, "I played that for you..."
ok ok, now, close YOUR mouth now, my friends.... yes... that's the Gerald you guys never knew, and I am honored that he thinks the world of me.
That incident made me just revel in that and bask in his love for the next few days... So, like i said, this may be hair-raising for you... but for me, it meant SO much..... it's more than the song he played... it's really the love that spurred him to do something so outrageous...
God, thank You for sending Gerald into my life - everything happened in Your timing and only when You will for it to happen.
(Oh, I didn't mention about the 2nd bunch of flowers last week, and all the other amazing things he is and has done)
cools! so when are we going to meet Gerald huh?
"Saving all my love... saving all my love... for youuuuuuuuuu... " feeuuweeeee!!!! btw i can also play the piano for u leh... wif lup in every note also... hehehehe... kiddin lah, my lup n finger flying skills can't hold a candle to the Unconscious Competent's one, for sure! anyway, (hair standing and all), am really glad to hear that... WAM guys are the best, right! ;) oh... maybe after reading this entry, many guys will ask for keyboard lessons from some of us... heh!
Hey Denise, soon soon... sandra met him already. hehe. will arrange a session for u guys to "interview" him. haha!
luwisfenn: thanks for teasing him till he turns red, haha, I enjoyed watching that too - that's feast for my eyes too, with love.... from you. hahaha!! Yea, WAM guys ARE the best (what can I say...?) hehe!
My shepherd is da "MAN"!!
whoa!! Way to go brudder! I must admit when emma told me i was too a bit surprised.
But i do know my shepherd and he just looks cool and collected - the basic phleg but inside he is as passionate as any chlor or sang.....
Hai! Now he came up with this piano thingy, how can i top it or match it?? Only way is probably to learn sax and play it during some big concert and dedicate the piece to the girl of my dreams....hahaha!
We'll see.......
BTW emma - my shepherd is one in a million - take care of him and sharpen each other in Christ together - i'm rooting for both of u.
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