I dreamt once that I scored 680 for my GMAT. Haha, it was a dream alright... or I was short-sighted, and saw a 6 instead of a 5. I got 580. I was really glad... Thank You Lord. On that morning of the exam, I was riding in my bro-in-law's car and as I was staring out of the window, a van drove past and on it were these words, "Fear not, for I am with you." Yup, I scribbled that on my scratch paper once I sat there for the exam. 580 is not like fantastic, but it is a great improvement from my 490 score. Perhaps I should not publish my GMAT score like that. It's quite an embarrasment... But well, it's still Grace Intervention. And boy, am I glad it is OVER. HALLELUJAH!
The one month before my GMAT, I felt that my life was on a standstill. Easter programming, church camp, and other programming stuffs were all frozen. K, I am a woman, I can multi-task, but not this time with the exam... Now that it's outta the way, feels like my life-clock starts to tick again... Many stuffs to clear for ministry, but I LURVE serving in the Kingdom of God. I was having a wonderful dinner with my sheep last night and we were just raving about how exhilarating it is to go to church - OUR church on a Sunday. Everything and everyone feels like Family...
I was also sharing with her about how as we serve Him, we need to pray and soak everything we do (in ministry and service) in Him. We need to pray and commit the things we do FOR Him, unto Him. It's only when our programme, our serving, our spirits, are soaked in Him, that we can exude out the fragrance and the spirit of Christ. Afterall, it is HIS ministry! The River of Life MUST flow from the throne of God, then the River will bring Life to all who come not just into it, but also near it. Imagine if everyone who serves on a Sun has personal experiences with God, has new revelations about Him... and when we all come together on a Sun to serve and worship Him corporately, what power of God will be unleashed and imagine how powerful our services are gonna be. THAT, is doing ministry! I look forward to see that day... with the strumming of just ONE guitar string, people will fall at their feet to worship Him and lives will be transformed and souls will be saved. THAT is the power of our Living God!
My vision statement for programming ministry is "The next service/event is gonna be the BEST one EVER!"
God bless our church, sorry, His Church...
Join the band wagon if you want to experience Him...
Friday, March 31, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
GMAT eve
Today is the day before my next GMAT. The emotions that I have are somewhat mixed. On one hand, I am excited that after tomorrow, I am free. On the other hand, the thought of not doing well makes me dread going for it. I still am a bit bitter about having to do this entrance exam for a LOCAL Masters. And I feel that I got to be tortured AND I am paying for the course! What world is this...??????
Sigh, I feel like I am writing my last words... tomorrow seem to determine my course... but I know it is not exactly the MAIN element that the school will consider, but I can't do too bad too... I can't seem to improve my scores starkly... Maybe I am not academic material... O Lord, if I do get into the course, YOU gotta help me through it...
I'm gonna give it one last shot after this - to do one last full-length exam and then go for the battle tomorrow. Lord, You said, the battle is not mine, but Yours. My eyes are upon You.
And for you guys out there reading this, I'll update you about the results after tomorrow...
I said many times how much fun I have in WAM. People have the impression that WAMers are "elites" in the church. well, they are Levites, not elites. (ok, that didn't really rhyme) They are sooooo much fun! and I attribute that mostly to the strong bond within the group. Just look at how everyone was mobilized and helped out at the wake... You guys rock! And not forgetting the "green curry", "Sheep-auction" and the "Buy 1 get 1 free". With you guys around, I don't mind fellowshipping for eternity man... hahaha!
The clock ticks... it's time I conquer the exam...
Till the next time,
Sigh, I feel like I am writing my last words... tomorrow seem to determine my course... but I know it is not exactly the MAIN element that the school will consider, but I can't do too bad too... I can't seem to improve my scores starkly... Maybe I am not academic material... O Lord, if I do get into the course, YOU gotta help me through it...
I'm gonna give it one last shot after this - to do one last full-length exam and then go for the battle tomorrow. Lord, You said, the battle is not mine, but Yours. My eyes are upon You.
And for you guys out there reading this, I'll update you about the results after tomorrow...
I said many times how much fun I have in WAM. People have the impression that WAMers are "elites" in the church. well, they are Levites, not elites. (ok, that didn't really rhyme) They are sooooo much fun! and I attribute that mostly to the strong bond within the group. Just look at how everyone was mobilized and helped out at the wake... You guys rock! And not forgetting the "green curry", "Sheep-auction" and the "Buy 1 get 1 free". With you guys around, I don't mind fellowshipping for eternity man... hahaha!
The clock ticks... it's time I conquer the exam...
Till the next time,
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Last night...
Last night was eventful... quite a bit of things happened... Prayer meeting was one major happening... Mmm, I always get the Heat problem.. Aircon was not enough to cool down the over-flow of people who came for Prayer Meeting last night(good problem). People were hot for Jesus man! Back in Yr 2002, we had the camp in the tent. Man, we had to battle with the major June-Heat problem big time. Thank God for His people who just love Him and who are gracious. I guess when you are soaked in His presence, nothing else really matters.
After that, we were doing supper when a bro received a phone call saying his mum passed away. The whole table was shocked... What touched my heart a lot was how EVERYONE responded so instantaneously, and nearly the whole unit was prepared to stop-short at dinner halfway to go with him. (The food was hardly here... poor HowJoo and the rest who had to finish things up). The few of us went to his place... the air was still... there was a deep sense of sadness in the family... surely. We stayed to see how we can be of help and basically just be there for the bro and his family.
I love this family of God... everyone loves deeply and jumps in to help one another out... That scene of cencerned faces round that dinner table, those immediate response and volunteering to drop everything to accompany the brother back home... Father, You created all these... Love indeed comes from You. Lord, I know You will do that for us too when we call to You for help, or when we tell You about our troubles and predicaments. You will just drop all that You are doing, and rush to us, sometimes helping us to solve the problems, but sometimes, just to come and hug us, and be with us... You, the Most High God, The Almighty, the King of kings... who shed all inhibitions, all the honour, all the privileges of a king, just to be in the presence of sinful, weak, whiny me - Your Child... Man, it's overwhelming... A song wells up:
My heart is captivated Lord by You Alone
Captured by the Awesomeness of You Alone
Melted by the Grace and Mercy You Have shown,
I stand in wonder....
I reach for You the one who makes the blind eye see
Who breaks the chains of sickness with authority
Restoring what was broken,
So it may fly again....
I live to worship You
I breathe to worship You
All of my days Your Face I will seek
For as I worship You,
You lead me to That Place,
To That Place of Divine Exchange...
Thank You, Lord, for this Privilege to be called Your own.
Your Grace still Amazes me....
After that, we were doing supper when a bro received a phone call saying his mum passed away. The whole table was shocked... What touched my heart a lot was how EVERYONE responded so instantaneously, and nearly the whole unit was prepared to stop-short at dinner halfway to go with him. (The food was hardly here... poor HowJoo and the rest who had to finish things up). The few of us went to his place... the air was still... there was a deep sense of sadness in the family... surely. We stayed to see how we can be of help and basically just be there for the bro and his family.
I love this family of God... everyone loves deeply and jumps in to help one another out... That scene of cencerned faces round that dinner table, those immediate response and volunteering to drop everything to accompany the brother back home... Father, You created all these... Love indeed comes from You. Lord, I know You will do that for us too when we call to You for help, or when we tell You about our troubles and predicaments. You will just drop all that You are doing, and rush to us, sometimes helping us to solve the problems, but sometimes, just to come and hug us, and be with us... You, the Most High God, The Almighty, the King of kings... who shed all inhibitions, all the honour, all the privileges of a king, just to be in the presence of sinful, weak, whiny me - Your Child... Man, it's overwhelming... A song wells up:
My heart is captivated Lord by You Alone
Captured by the Awesomeness of You Alone
Melted by the Grace and Mercy You Have shown,
I stand in wonder....
I reach for You the one who makes the blind eye see
Who breaks the chains of sickness with authority
Restoring what was broken,
So it may fly again....
I live to worship You
I breathe to worship You
All of my days Your Face I will seek
For as I worship You,
You lead me to That Place,
To That Place of Divine Exchange...
Thank You, Lord, for this Privilege to be called Your own.
Your Grace still Amazes me....
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Counting down...
Today is Tuesday. Life is rather torturous because I am studying for my GMAT. I can't wait till it's over next Wed. I can already see the things I can do after this heavy burden is off me. But in the meantime, O Lord, please sustain me! Work has been better, Praise the Lord! After He is the One whom I work for, so He'll take care of me.
I was pondering this morning by the Singapore River, about how I can still feel so much for my Lord. And I concluded that He IS and MUST be Real and Alive cos till today, He is still Fresh and New to me. I'm not a person who's good at sustaining somethng for a long while... blame it on the Sanguine in me, haha! As the Chinese says, "3-minutes' flame". But God has been One Person/Thing that doesn't feel stale/boring. So, Thank God I know He is not just Alive, but He is Alive IN me!
I was pondering this morning by the Singapore River, about how I can still feel so much for my Lord. And I concluded that He IS and MUST be Real and Alive cos till today, He is still Fresh and New to me. I'm not a person who's good at sustaining somethng for a long while... blame it on the Sanguine in me, haha! As the Chinese says, "3-minutes' flame". But God has been One Person/Thing that doesn't feel stale/boring. So, Thank God I know He is not just Alive, but He is Alive IN me!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
today is Sunday. Sunday is always an exciting day of the week for me. There's so much buzz, excitement and expectation on this day. Seeing so many of my friends in church, serving alongside with fellow servants of God - man, that gives me a high! I must say that WAMers are a wonderful bunch of people. Week-in, week-out, they serve faithfully and wholeheartedly... and they still have fun every single week! It MUST be the work fo God! Deacons, or Levites (quote Fenny), are very important people in the Temple of God. Without them, there won't be any service. You guys can't believe the amount of labour and time these people put in on a Sunday... Anyone not in their role, the service will glitch. That's why, the bible says in Acts... These are people who must be full of wisdom and of the Holy Spirit. Like Michael said, "We need God-moments."
Today, a long-time brother came to church. I haven't seen him in our service since 5million years ago. Well, we had great fun during our Uni days... all the naughty things we did.. When I saw him from backstage, I went to shake his hand and greeted him. He said he just felt like coming back, like this is the place he grew up in. His presence warmed my heart a lot cos it felt like the good ol' days when we were worshipping together as students. That's why i love this church - this is where I grew up and spent the most wonderful days of my life in...
Today, a long-time brother came to church. I haven't seen him in our service since 5million years ago. Well, we had great fun during our Uni days... all the naughty things we did.. When I saw him from backstage, I went to shake his hand and greeted him. He said he just felt like coming back, like this is the place he grew up in. His presence warmed my heart a lot cos it felt like the good ol' days when we were worshipping together as students. That's why i love this church - this is where I grew up and spent the most wonderful days of my life in...
Saturday, March 18, 2006
I'n in!! I'm in!!

My 1st blog... I'm impressed with myself! Considering I am not quite IT savvy... This virtual world is really amazing.. My life in Virtual Land starts at 29. I shall discover more about this blogging thingy - why it draws people to do it. Perhaps people want to be heard, so airing in Virtual Land is a good substitue.
Actually what made me do this is cos' I want to join in the fun that NG1A3 started. They started a blog for the cg called The Chosen Ones... and I feel such a bond with them that I still wanna "poke" into their busienss, so I created this... Thanks, guys!
Just came back from a gathering at Mama Jac's place. It was fun; Taboo was fun... I look forward to more great times with the WAMers.
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