Had been going through yet-another cycle of thought, this time a new wave... man, it's tiring always to go through thinking processes about the things I do, think and say. I guess that's why they call our walk with God a journey; our end is when we meet Him.
I thank God He has taught and instilled in me the concept of accountability. In all things, it is important and crucial that we be accountable to our shepherds, our leaders.. Godly counsel, the bible said, is beneficial to us, and it is true indeed... just like when I spoke to an "angel" who dispenses godly counsel. (You go, angel!)
And recently I learnt quite a lot of new things, about myself, about life, about my expectations, my weaknesses, my blind spots. Again, thank God for shepherds who are always there to cover my blind spots. So, to my shepherds (in all forms), here's one CHEER for you!
And for the mentor, Chris, who always helps me to focus in my work, who keeps me in perspective about things, who always has coffee with me at the most appropriate times, and who never fails to pat me on my back and encourage me when I am down, here's one CHEER for you too, bro!
Had lunch with Gabriel, a brother from our cg... Good bro.. He's a bit like Mini-Me... similar temperaments, in similar field of work/study, very blessed by God... So brother, here's one CHEER to you to keep on focussing on He who Provides. God is SO important...
And one more CHEER for the camp comm who made the camp happen. I know it's gonna be Fabulous!!
Tomorrow's Wed... so to the GREAT Family in Worship Unit, here's one CHEER!
K, enough of cheering and Hip Hip Hoorays... I feel I am eccentric at times... It's 30 May 06... half the year is gone... doesn't time zoom...???
p.S: I'm gonna be a godma to Claire, Sandra's baby girl... Hahahahhaa!!!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Sunday-night thoughts...
Apart from the feeling that it's Monday - The work day tomorrow, I have lots of mashed-up emotions within me... been thinking a lot over the past week... And thinking a lot is tiring... One consolation is that there is "Initlal D" on cable now - Jay Chou is so cool... (Man, I can see the make-up on his face in the show... that's quite yikes)...Then again, that's just unserious admiration... But I guess he looks cool because he is seemingly so secured and confident... Now those're 2 attractive qualities... (ok, tt's blabbering)
Maybe it's waking up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, plus the lateness... and a chain of happenings in service today... and after-service flusters. Yea, I was flustered, face was flushed, I don't really know why... Is it the excitement of having many things happening? Or is it mixed with the oh-so-much thinking and emotions that have been invading me over the past week. I am so looking forward to church camp cos I feel that is gonna be such a wonderful time away from work, from many things, and just knowing God and having great fellowship with my brothers and sisters.
I have been feeling kinda out of the world... just feels that I am floaty, not very grounded... I really don't know exactly why and what... I guess there are times when we go through times like these... But it's always good to know that God is around and that I am under His jurisdiction.
Babies are such lovely beings... carrying my lil nephew - Shau En, brings such peace, such love invoked from within me... Oh, and for the records, Sandra gave birth, finally. CONGRATS gal!
Tomorrow's Monday and i need Your Grace to face the week. Again, thank God there's CG on Wed, that ALWAYS makes the week pass better... So you guys in my CG, thanks for the fellowship that I always look forward to.
Till the next blog-entry, I shall cling on to His Grace and His Sufficiency cos That will keep me going on...
Maybe it's waking up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, plus the lateness... and a chain of happenings in service today... and after-service flusters. Yea, I was flustered, face was flushed, I don't really know why... Is it the excitement of having many things happening? Or is it mixed with the oh-so-much thinking and emotions that have been invading me over the past week. I am so looking forward to church camp cos I feel that is gonna be such a wonderful time away from work, from many things, and just knowing God and having great fellowship with my brothers and sisters.
I have been feeling kinda out of the world... just feels that I am floaty, not very grounded... I really don't know exactly why and what... I guess there are times when we go through times like these... But it's always good to know that God is around and that I am under His jurisdiction.
Babies are such lovely beings... carrying my lil nephew - Shau En, brings such peace, such love invoked from within me... Oh, and for the records, Sandra gave birth, finally. CONGRATS gal!
Tomorrow's Monday and i need Your Grace to face the week. Again, thank God there's CG on Wed, that ALWAYS makes the week pass better... So you guys in my CG, thanks for the fellowship that I always look forward to.
Till the next blog-entry, I shall cling on to His Grace and His Sufficiency cos That will keep me going on...
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Better Thursday..
Today was somewhat a lil' unusual. For a start, early in the morning, the NZD appreciated (FINALLY), and we could see SOME daylight. That currency has just been diving south with not much silver lining in the southern clouds... That sheep-dependent economy finally shed some light in reducing their trade deficits. Phew! Thank You Lord, cos I prayed that NZD will appreciate, cos if not, many of my clients are stuck in that dovish currency. So, at least helped some clients to cut losses, some break even, and some potentially even make some capital gains... Thank You Lord for this good news amidst all the other falling markets...
My secondary school friend, Sandra is in the hospital, gonna deliver Baby Claire anytime... so exciting to have your good friends popping. She called me in the morning when she was in the hospital, bored. Hahaha! You rock, Sandy! And cos' of that, I met up with Coconut, another close secondary friend for lunch. It was a GREAT time of catching up... This bunch of secondary school friends of mine are so special. Remember those times when we played truant, got into disciplinary trouble, and had lotsa fun... and today, 2 of them are mothers, and 2 of us are single. The 2 singles concluded that God is good - He sent both of us to accompany each other on the single side of the game. Hahaha! Old good friends are special... and the best thing is... we're all sisters-in-Christ, serving and loving Him in our own various capacities.
And last but not least, to rejoice and thank God... Tomorrrow's FRIDAY!!!! Friday is the BEST day of the week (apart from Sat and SunDAY, not SUn night, cos we gotta work on Monday morning). There seem to be so many things to do, but I LURVE to build the house of God! thank You Lord, for this privilege... :-)
My secondary school friend, Sandra is in the hospital, gonna deliver Baby Claire anytime... so exciting to have your good friends popping. She called me in the morning when she was in the hospital, bored. Hahaha! You rock, Sandy! And cos' of that, I met up with Coconut, another close secondary friend for lunch. It was a GREAT time of catching up... This bunch of secondary school friends of mine are so special. Remember those times when we played truant, got into disciplinary trouble, and had lotsa fun... and today, 2 of them are mothers, and 2 of us are single. The 2 singles concluded that God is good - He sent both of us to accompany each other on the single side of the game. Hahaha! Old good friends are special... and the best thing is... we're all sisters-in-Christ, serving and loving Him in our own various capacities.
And last but not least, to rejoice and thank God... Tomorrrow's FRIDAY!!!! Friday is the BEST day of the week (apart from Sat and SunDAY, not SUn night, cos we gotta work on Monday morning). There seem to be so many things to do, but I LURVE to build the house of God! thank You Lord, for this privilege... :-)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Big word huh? Well, I think I discovered new things about myself and about what God probably has in store for me. A big realization is that: What I think I want/need may not be what I actually need/am suited for... Hey, I am not en empty vessel who makes a lot of noise ok... I got "deep waters" within me... Hahahaha!
It's great to have realizations and revelations from God, it's always refreshing and ensures that I am in Him. It is so easy not to be in Him... so, God, thanks for the rain, and for the epiphany... Your ways and thoughts are indeed higher than mine.
It's Wed tomorrow... Hallelujah!
It's great to have realizations and revelations from God, it's always refreshing and ensures that I am in Him. It is so easy not to be in Him... so, God, thanks for the rain, and for the epiphany... Your ways and thoughts are indeed higher than mine.
It's Wed tomorrow... Hallelujah!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
I GOT IN! & Rain...
Some incredible things happened today.. Well, I do feel a lil' tired, but it still feels surreal...
My last blog entry (which was last night) talked a lil' about the weather, how it was frustrating me cos of the heat and how I actually asked God for rain... and this afternoon, during service, I heard "pitter patter pitter patter". Yup, I was awe-struck! He sent Rain!!!! Wow, He is so nice, so loving, so caring... He even bothers when I complain and whine about the weather. Thank You Lord. I was also very encouraged by Him who used me this morning as I shared His inspired Word during our prayer meeting in the morning, and how the same Words were used during the 2 services as well. Thank You for affirming me.
As usual, I had a GREAT time with the guys after my meetings and were reluctant to go home, but I had a wedding dinner to attend. I went home, and napped. Now this is the surreal part... I woke up and somehow stood at my dressing table and realized I have some mails. And I saw one from SMU, and when I opened it, Guess What? They told me my application to the Masters Programme is SUCCESSFUL! GOSH, it was surreal man... I went to show my family - they were delighted and excited! I did have some mixed feelings, but I am thankful... SO thankful for this opportunity. Thank YoU jesus. It's gonna be tough-going, but I will persevere by His Grace! And I did ask You for this as one of my breakthrough prayer, Thank You for opening a way...
My mind had been swarmed with quite a chunkful of thoughts... sigh, that is always a tiring exercise... Lord, let Your peace guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. The new week (of challenges) start again... My Lord, pls be with me, and go through it with me... I look forward to Wed for CG... I LURVE this CG... Thanks, guys, for being part of my life...
My last blog entry (which was last night) talked a lil' about the weather, how it was frustrating me cos of the heat and how I actually asked God for rain... and this afternoon, during service, I heard "pitter patter pitter patter". Yup, I was awe-struck! He sent Rain!!!! Wow, He is so nice, so loving, so caring... He even bothers when I complain and whine about the weather. Thank You Lord. I was also very encouraged by Him who used me this morning as I shared His inspired Word during our prayer meeting in the morning, and how the same Words were used during the 2 services as well. Thank You for affirming me.
As usual, I had a GREAT time with the guys after my meetings and were reluctant to go home, but I had a wedding dinner to attend. I went home, and napped. Now this is the surreal part... I woke up and somehow stood at my dressing table and realized I have some mails. And I saw one from SMU, and when I opened it, Guess What? They told me my application to the Masters Programme is SUCCESSFUL! GOSH, it was surreal man... I went to show my family - they were delighted and excited! I did have some mixed feelings, but I am thankful... SO thankful for this opportunity. Thank YoU jesus. It's gonna be tough-going, but I will persevere by His Grace! And I did ask You for this as one of my breakthrough prayer, Thank You for opening a way...
My mind had been swarmed with quite a chunkful of thoughts... sigh, that is always a tiring exercise... Lord, let Your peace guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. The new week (of challenges) start again... My Lord, pls be with me, and go through it with me... I look forward to Wed for CG... I LURVE this CG... Thanks, guys, for being part of my life...
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Weekends are such special days. They are PRECIOUS... Friday nights are always magical - they make you reluctant to sleep early. Last night some of us were out for supper after their music practise. We went to Geylang for Tau Huay, and it was a crazy time in the car, but it was great fun. I was telling Fenny that it is so wonderful that we serve so hard together in church and we play so hard as well, and that's where friendship really grows and the bond really strengthens. Praise the Lord for His love that binds us together. I was real tired after that, but had to get up early today for shepherding, and went out with mum in the afternoon. And the weather definitely didn't help in lessening my frustration. The weather really gets to me... God, pls send some rain to cool down the weather. I remember once I was also frustrated by the weather and I asked God to send rain, and yup, u guessed it.. it rained. I LURVE rainy days - they somehow make me happier.
Tomorrow's always the exciting day of the week - Sunday. So, I'm gonna catch my sleep, and catch you soon too!
Tomorrow's always the exciting day of the week - Sunday. So, I'm gonna catch my sleep, and catch you soon too!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Today Pei Key and I "celebrated" - an ultra mini one - our 4th Shepherding Anniversary, and I beat her to it! She's a GREAT sheep, a wonderful friend, sister and partner. She's also so gifted:creative, detailed, organized, funny. Celebrations are therapeutic, we should always do that.

Now that's a friend in my life.
My previous entry talked about another.
And here's another one in Melbourne: Alice. She's special too.

Of course, there are many many more, and I am so blessed to have so many people around me who loves me just for who I am, and accepts me for just the way I am. And for those who 'remind" me (gently or not-so-gently) about my shortcomings, I thank God for you too. For those who just laugh and play with me, you are special too. For those whom I haven't met for quite a while, Yup, you too are in my thought sometimes and I remember you with fondness. I thank God for friends He has given me. I guess He wants us to be His friends too.
Well, our coming camp is about Friendship and I pray that my brothers and sisters will make new friends, catch up with old ones and have a balluva time in Malacca,

cos in church, Friends for Eternity is what it is all about, HALLELUJAH!

Now that's a friend in my life.
My previous entry talked about another.
And here's another one in Melbourne: Alice. She's special too.

Of course, there are many many more, and I am so blessed to have so many people around me who loves me just for who I am, and accepts me for just the way I am. And for those who 'remind" me (gently or not-so-gently) about my shortcomings, I thank God for you too. For those who just laugh and play with me, you are special too. For those whom I haven't met for quite a while, Yup, you too are in my thought sometimes and I remember you with fondness. I thank God for friends He has given me. I guess He wants us to be His friends too.
Well, our coming camp is about Friendship and I pray that my brothers and sisters will make new friends, catch up with old ones and have a balluva time in Malacca,

cos in church, Friends for Eternity is what it is all about, HALLELUJAH!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Back in Singapore
Came back from Taipei on Sunday. It was a good trip, thank God.

Cousins in Taipei
Went for DaVinci Code (DVC) seminar in church yesterday. I was greatly encouraged to see so many people in church excited and eager to know the Truth, more importantly, the overwhelming response reflected the teachable hearts of our people. Yup, we had the honour of sitting outside at the reception. Even the reception was packed. Praise the Lord! Actually, what I took back with me after the seminar was an affirmation of my faith. I am SO honoured to have and know the Truth. I am SO privileged that God saved me, put me on the side of Truth, that I do not struggle on the "other side" wondering what is Truth. I also realized, amidst all the controversies, all the allegations, all the long-time accusations and attempts to "overthrow" Christianity, God's Truth is simple: LOVE - His Love. So many theories and furious attempts to disprove the authenticity of the bible, to slam the Divinity of Christ... His Message is just so simple. You will fully comprehend only when you are IN the Truth, IN Him, and experience the truth for yourself. I was filled with gratitude last night as I dwelled in the seminar-aftermath.
Oh, and I wanna talk about my dad. Relationship with my dad used to be so strained when I was growing up. 4 years ago, I decided to live out what the bible says: to honour my parents, and I made the decision to love my dad regardless. Anyhow, that's not the main thing I wanna share. What I wanna talk about is our relationship now. It's so enriching, so special. Now I understand that dads are special. I know and can feel how much my dad loves me. He shows it in his support for my work, sharing so many things about him to me, sharing his experiences with me. I look forward to the day when he's gonna receive Jesus as his personal Saviour and experience true Love - always persevering, always hoping, always THERE. That day's gonna come soon, in Jesus' Name. Thank You Lord, in advance.

My Dad & I
And here's some pics for your viewing pleasure - snippets of recent happenings:

WAM Beauties - Fenny's BIG Day @ Grand Shanghai

My new nephew - Shau Ern

Cousins in Taipei
Went for DaVinci Code (DVC) seminar in church yesterday. I was greatly encouraged to see so many people in church excited and eager to know the Truth, more importantly, the overwhelming response reflected the teachable hearts of our people. Yup, we had the honour of sitting outside at the reception. Even the reception was packed. Praise the Lord! Actually, what I took back with me after the seminar was an affirmation of my faith. I am SO honoured to have and know the Truth. I am SO privileged that God saved me, put me on the side of Truth, that I do not struggle on the "other side" wondering what is Truth. I also realized, amidst all the controversies, all the allegations, all the long-time accusations and attempts to "overthrow" Christianity, God's Truth is simple: LOVE - His Love. So many theories and furious attempts to disprove the authenticity of the bible, to slam the Divinity of Christ... His Message is just so simple. You will fully comprehend only when you are IN the Truth, IN Him, and experience the truth for yourself. I was filled with gratitude last night as I dwelled in the seminar-aftermath.
Oh, and I wanna talk about my dad. Relationship with my dad used to be so strained when I was growing up. 4 years ago, I decided to live out what the bible says: to honour my parents, and I made the decision to love my dad regardless. Anyhow, that's not the main thing I wanna share. What I wanna talk about is our relationship now. It's so enriching, so special. Now I understand that dads are special. I know and can feel how much my dad loves me. He shows it in his support for my work, sharing so many things about him to me, sharing his experiences with me. I look forward to the day when he's gonna receive Jesus as his personal Saviour and experience true Love - always persevering, always hoping, always THERE. That day's gonna come soon, in Jesus' Name. Thank You Lord, in advance.

My Dad & I
And here's some pics for your viewing pleasure - snippets of recent happenings:

WAM Beauties - Fenny's BIG Day @ Grand Shanghai

My new nephew - Shau Ern
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