Sunday, May 21, 2006

I GOT IN! & Rain...

Some incredible things happened today.. Well, I do feel a lil' tired, but it still feels surreal...
My last blog entry (which was last night) talked a lil' about the weather, how it was frustrating me cos of the heat and how I actually asked God for rain... and this afternoon, during service, I heard "pitter patter pitter patter". Yup, I was awe-struck! He sent Rain!!!! Wow, He is so nice, so loving, so caring... He even bothers when I complain and whine about the weather. Thank You Lord. I was also very encouraged by Him who used me this morning as I shared His inspired Word during our prayer meeting in the morning, and how the same Words were used during the 2 services as well. Thank You for affirming me.

As usual, I had a GREAT time with the guys after my meetings and were reluctant to go home, but I had a wedding dinner to attend. I went home, and napped. Now this is the surreal part... I woke up and somehow stood at my dressing table and realized I have some mails. And I saw one from SMU, and when I opened it, Guess What? They told me my application to the Masters Programme is SUCCESSFUL! GOSH, it was surreal man... I went to show my family - they were delighted and excited! I did have some mixed feelings, but I am thankful... SO thankful for this opportunity. Thank YoU jesus. It's gonna be tough-going, but I will persevere by His Grace! And I did ask You for this as one of my breakthrough prayer, Thank You for opening a way...

My mind had been swarmed with quite a chunkful of thoughts... sigh, that is always a tiring exercise... Lord, let Your peace guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. The new week (of challenges) start again... My Lord, pls be with me, and go through it with me... I look forward to Wed for CG... I LURVE this CG... Thanks, guys, for being part of my life...

1 comment:

^_^ said...

PTL! Congrats! :D