Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Accountability & Hip Hip Hoorays!

Had been going through yet-another cycle of thought, this time a new wave... man, it's tiring always to go through thinking processes about the things I do, think and say. I guess that's why they call our walk with God a journey; our end is when we meet Him.
I thank God He has taught and instilled in me the concept of accountability. In all things, it is important and crucial that we be accountable to our shepherds, our leaders.. Godly counsel, the bible said, is beneficial to us, and it is true indeed... just like when I spoke to an "angel" who dispenses godly counsel. (You go, angel!)
And recently I learnt quite a lot of new things, about myself, about life, about my expectations, my weaknesses, my blind spots. Again, thank God for shepherds who are always there to cover my blind spots. So, to my shepherds (in all forms), here's one CHEER for you!
And for the mentor, Chris, who always helps me to focus in my work, who keeps me in perspective about things, who always has coffee with me at the most appropriate times, and who never fails to pat me on my back and encourage me when I am down, here's one CHEER for you too, bro!
Had lunch with Gabriel, a brother from our cg... Good bro.. He's a bit like Mini-Me... similar temperaments, in similar field of work/study, very blessed by God... So brother, here's one CHEER to you to keep on focussing on He who Provides. God is SO important...
And one more CHEER for the camp comm who made the camp happen. I know it's gonna be Fabulous!!

Tomorrow's Wed... so to the GREAT Family in Worship Unit, here's one CHEER!

K, enough of cheering and Hip Hip Hoorays... I feel I am eccentric at times... It's 30 May 06... half the year is gone... doesn't time zoom...???

p.S: I'm gonna be a godma to Claire, Sandra's baby girl... Hahahahhaa!!!

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