And peiKs, thanks for being such a perfect Duo. Here's one for you:

Time spent together with my spiritual family was surreal. We served hard and played real hard as well. All the jokes were memorable... all the kawans were fun too. And for the record, WAMers ain't just talented in music, they can act too. I got to know some kawan better, eg., Ah Chek (Isaac), HowJoo, Ron, Ange. And JX, that prayer you said during the CG prayer time, made me and Ange tear. You good man!

Not forgetting the extended day in Malacca... and the Jonker Street performances. We totally lost it there man...

And of course... the Coffee Club (we won't mention the day and time here)... Think Fen's blog will have a pic for this, so check out her blog.
On the whole, I was in LaLa Land for the past 6 days. And in conclusion, I met great kawans, and of course, the Kawan of All - GOD. Thanks for Everything!
agreed that the feeling was great.. i enjoyed myself immensely too.. coming back to Earth is where (PS Ben normally says this; Cliched) the rubber hits the road..
I posted my thots on camp too.. do dropby
:) think this CAMP was really like a moment away from EARTH. I agree with your title... it was really a glimps of HEAVEN.
kudos for the great job for the camp program, sis. Enjoyed myself very much and my kawans gave the thumbs up too -Lindy
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